Thursday, February 28, 2019

End of February Update

It is the end of February and the countdown clock says we have 847 days, 18 hours, 26 minutes and 10 seconds left before the big move.

Not much got done in February because the house was hit by some kind of flu bug.

How much money does it cost to make a move to Florida? I have heard everything from $10 to several tens of thousands of dollars. Obviously, the more cash on-hand, the easier a move would be. To that end, we have established some budget goals. We have cut some unnecessary spending and are pouring that money into a moving budget. We haven't cut the budget to the bone - we are still doing many of the things we enjoy. Just less of it. I also re-prioritized our retirement savings to provide more for the moving budget.

Our goal is to move to Florida debt free (except our mortgage) and cash in-hand.

Emergencies keep cropping up. A pet falls ill, an appliance dies, etc. But we are trying to keep the goal in mind and make adjustments so we can deposit that monthly commitment into the moving savings.

This week, I took a tour through the job boards for the Orlando area and for Disney. I found jobs I was interested in, and then mapped out the skill requirements for those jobs. I plan to spend the next 847 days developing those skills so that I am an outstanding candidate for whatever job opportunity I might want to go for.

That's the update! I wish there was more, but, that flu bug really knocked us off our feet.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Moving to Orlando - Davenport Video

I love The Dis Unplugged and I was thrilled when they started a series about moving to the Orlando area. Their third video is "Moving to Orlando - Davenport". 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Moving to Orlando - Winter Garden Video

I love The Dis Unplugged and was thrilled when they started their series on Moving to Orlando. The following is a short video showing parts of Winter Garden.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Moving to Orlando - Celebration Video

I love watching The Dis Unplugged and was thrilled when they started a video series exploring moving to the Orlando Area.  This is their second video, named "Moving To Orlando - Celebration Florida".