Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Life as a Local

I am really getting the feeling of what it must be like to be local. When I get done with work everyday I am exhausted and would be happy to stay home and relax at the incredible pool house. But... We are in Disney and we need to make sure we see it all. The dream would be to move to Disney and spend as many evenings as possible enjoying the attractions. But the reality is that often you just want to stay home!

There is no maid service. While I am at work, Linda is cleaning, doing laundry, and taking care of the boys. There is downtime for her, however, if she were working too, all the things she is doing would take away evenings and some of the weekend. And this is summer break, which means we aren't spending hours helping the boys with homework right now.

The reality, I suspect, is that living at Disney would not be anything like a vacation and would not mean daily trips into Disney.

After work we went to Disney's Winterland to play miniature golf. With our annual pass we received a 50 percent discount.

After golf we grabbed some ice cream off property and called it a night.

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