It is Christmas Eve and we are living in a condo this week just minutes from Disney World! We even decorated Christmas Tree.
We needed groceries so we took a trip to my favorite Walmart on Highway 27 (at the west end of Rt 192). I say it is my favorite Walmart because it is the most bizarre. Almost none of the shoppers speak English, the store is packed so badly that you can't move, and the employees frantically try to stock shelves faster than it is purchased - but it is a futile labor. Add to this mayhem that it is Christmas Eve and you have a spectical more amusing and more packed than Disney World. That store is absolutely crazy!
I offered to get up and venture to Walmart on my own early in the morning while everyone was getting ready. Linda said she wanted to go too and there was no way I was going to turn down some 1:1 vacation time with her. However, leaving early for Walmart with her means leaving at 2pm. We got the groceries, loaded everyone into the van, and arrived back at the condo. The plan was to throw the boys into the van and head our to see the Asborn Christmas Lights at Hollywood Studios.
We are still afflicted by the flu. For me, it means cold sweats, headache, and chills today. Just as we were about to leave for Disney, the flu took a turn for my son: nausea, overheating, sweat, and then passed out on the couch. Snoring. While we are standing around the couch waiting to leave!
My oldest son saved us from getting drenched by rain this Christmas Eve because a storm moved in with an impressive down pour.
We decided to change our Christmas Eve plans and watch movies instead of go to the park. That means sacrificing one of our precious Disney days. But when one spends six weeks at Disney, how precious is one day?
We watched movies, played a board game, did our Christmas Eve ritual, and then headed off for an early nights rest.
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