Sunday, May 1, 2016

Seven Tips to Avoid Sore Feet at Disney World

I have written about the importance of having good shoes for Disney.

Little can ruin a Disney Vacation like sore feet! A Disney vacation involves a lot of standing and a lot of walking. Some say an average day at Disney involves walking ten miles! That is a lot of miles if you have blisters on your toes.

1. You will need to wear sneakers at Disney. Leave the sandals, flip flops, and fancy does in your hotel room. Don't be naive to believe you can make a ten mile hike in a pair of fashionable sandals with heals. Dad's work boots or loafers won't due!  Cute stop on sandals for the kids will leave them and you in pain. Sneakers are a requirement for everyone.

2. The time to prepare is months before your trip. Sneaker experts suggest buying a new pair of sneakers every 12 months. How old is your pair? Are they up to the task? Or, is it time to go shopping?

3. New sneakers take a while to break in. You should buy them and wear them for a few weeks before heading to Disney.

4. One consideration is arch support. Poor arch support can hurt your feet, knees, and back.  If you have never been tested to see if you need arch support, I suggest going to a store that specializes in running shoes. They often have people on staff trained to analyze and make recommendations for arch support.

5. The kind of sneaker is important. It is very hot in Florida, and the heat is magnified by the blacktop and walkways. The sneakers need to breath. Therefore find something that offers canvas instead of an all leather sneaker.

6. During different times of the year (for example, summer) you are more likely to encounter rain. When it rains? It pours. A rainy day doesn't mean canceling the trip to the parks! You need a pair of sneakers that will hold up well to getting wet, or will dry out quickly. You may want to investigate a sneaker that uses a combination of fabric and leather or plastic.

7. Synthetic socks will help too. They are designed to keep the moisture away from feet and are much better at preventing sores and blisters versus cotton socks. Good synthetic socks can cost $20 per pair or more - but can be well worth the cost.

I have my sneakers for the 2016 trip ready to go!

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