Disney World's Magic Kingdom is home to a game my kids love: Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. This is a game where you shoot a laser cannon at targets to earn points. If you roll your score, as I have, then you are a galactic hero!
Galactic Heroes are awarded with a certificate and a sticker or button.
Here are my tips on how to win big.
1. As soon as your laser cannon is activated? Take some practice shots to get used to where your laser appears when shot.
2. In the first room, locate the red robot on the left side of the track. There are two spots you want to hit. First, hit the Z on his orange jetpack. Next, hit the Z on the inside of his left hand (the second hand).
3. As soon as you are done with the robot? Turn your cart all the away around so that you are traveling backwards. You'll find a claw on the ceiling - shoot that as many times as you can.
4. You'll now enter the next room. Your target is the Z at the top of the volcano. You might find it difficult to rack up points shooting that Z over and over again. So, what you do is: shoot the Z, then shoot off to the side a little. Then shoot the Z again. Keep doing that and you'll keep adding to your score. Shoot the volcano when you first enter the room, then keep shooting it after you pass behind the hill.
While behind the hill, look to the exit. Near the ceiling are some Z's spinning on a white band. I have never been able to hit one, but, I have been told they are worth many points.
Also, on the back side of the hill there is a Z on a bee's butt that I have been told is worth many points too.
5. The next room has Zurg's ship and the opportunity to pile on the points! You must shoot the Z beneath Zurg's ship. You can only shoot it while you are entering the room, then, turn your cart backwards so you can continue shooting it while you exit the room. Your only chance to roll your score is to hit that as many times as you can.
6. The next room is a smoke filled room with red lasers surrounding the ship. You might think there is nothing to do, but, you are wrong! Turn your cart backwards so you can still see the room you just exited and continue shooting Z's.
7. The next room has a cartoon of Zurg's ship. I am told there is a Z or a black dot on the cartoon ship that is worth many points, but, I have never found it.
8. The final room is where your picture gets taken and is your last chance to score points by shooting targets on Zurg's ship. I haven't found any high value targets in this last room, although others claim there are some.
9. The last thing you have to do is take a picture of your score before it goes away. If your score is all 9's? You are a galactic hero. Go to the check-out counter for your reward.
Now you know all my secrets. Just don't tell my kids. I like being able to beat them at something.
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