Saturday, February 1, 2020

Purging T-Minus 513 days: Video Tape Purge

My wife and I grew up in the age of the VHS video tape. We had hundreds... perhaps a thousand VHS video tapes. We displayed them proudly in our living room: three book shelves filled to the brim, double packed on every shelf.

And then came DVD. And Red Box. And online streaming. Today, I can stream almost any movie, and what I can't stream? I can rent for $3.99.

Perhaps ten years ago, we decided the shelves in our living room would be better served with decorations. We threw away hundreds of video tapes containing TV shows we had recorded. The family video tapes (including all of the treasured Disney videos) would stay in the living room. The rest (which was mostly my movies (war, action hero, and scifi) would be relocated to shelves in the toy room.

Fast forward ten years. While some of the videos were watched during those ten years (usually in the home gym while I was working out), most were not. And now... it is time to purge.

We decided that the first round of purge would not touch the family videos in the living room nor any DVD. What we would focus on is the hundreds of tapes in the toy room.

I decided to keep three of my favorite movies, any video tape that I recorded on with our video camera, and the 9-11 videos we recorded from when the world trade center fell. All of the videos that I had recorded TV shows and movies on? Garbage. All the store-bought movies would go to the yard sale, although we doubted anyone would buy a VHS tape. Maybe if we put $.25 on them?

We filled two large garbage bags with video tapes before decided the bags were too heavy and risked breaking, so, we introduced a third bag. There were a couple of movies that I was sad to see go because they were some of my favorites, but I just reminded myself "worse case? It is a $3.99 rental if I want to see it."

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