Monday, August 17, 2020

t-Minus 315 Days: Locked Away In A Cabin In The Woods


Our original plans were to fly to Florida in August and search for Florida houses for our June 2021 move. COVID-19 spoiled those plans. Instead, we decided to do a 'virtual search' from 1200 miles away. The problem with doing a virtual search is that, like most people, our home life is crazy. Someone always needs something, pets, in laws, children, deliveries - it is impossible to get more than one uninterrupted hour to just focus on one thing. Our solution? Lock ourselves away in a cabin in the woods!

And that is exactly what we did. 2.5 hours away from home, deep in the forests of the Adirondacks, we borrowed a friend's camp an locked ourselves inside of it for three days. We lined up all of our computers for the search process. 

We even hung Florida themed shower curtains on the sliding glass doors to help us get in the mood and stay focused.

We started with a call with our Financial Expert to discuss how much we could afford for a house and various financial options to get us to Florida.

Next, we talked with both of our real-estate agents (we divided them up: one for the north west of Orlando, and the other for the west and south west of Orlando region). Of course, neither agent knows about the other, and the one that will win our business is the one that works the hardest for us.

We spent a day searching through all of the existing houses that are for sale, then we searched all of the new home builders.

The next several blog entries will describe our search. My hope is that by sharing our experience it will help others who hope to leave New York and/or hope to move to Florida.


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