Tuesday, October 27, 2020

T-Minus 245 Days: Florida Vision Board

 I was watching a Florida with Five episode and they mentioned having a vision board for their Florida move. I had never heard about vision boards before, so, I did a little research.

Vision Board Video

It makes sense. We all hang pictures in our house or put on our desk at work to remind ourselves of the things that are important.

Before cancer I was running 5 miles per day. After cancer, I put on a lot of weight. I hung this Run Disney picture in my office to remind myself of a goal I have to do a Run Disney Marathon someday. 

According to my research, this didn't work for several reasons. First, you are supposed to put the vision board someplace where you will see it every day. Second, you are supposed to look at it every day. Third, when you look at it, you are supposed to imagine that you have already achieved it (it is part of programming your mind to obtain what you want). Fourth, and optionally, you should use words or sentences that describe the feelings you get or will have from that picture.

I did none of that so the picture wasn't very motivating.

Now that I have done some research into Vision Boards, I understand them better. And I am thinking about what I might put on a vision board if I were to create one. These are some of my ideas (In no particular order):

We will live in Central Florida and vacation at the beaches
Get back into my pre-cancer shape
Certifications and/or degrees that advance my career and keep me employed
We will find a good church in Florida that we can stay connected to
Regular date nights in Disney Springs. If we just want to pop over for dinner, we can.
Season pass to Disney World. We can come and go whenever we want
Eating healthy
My Florida Car
I won't care about anything reported in the news and I won't care about politics. I want the world to just leave me alone.
Palm trees. Lots and lots of palm trees.
Participate in Disney Run Marathons 
A clutter free house
Watch TV while floating in the pool.
Relax and watch football
My summer kitchen so I can cook outdoors poolside.

Now all I have to do is print these pictures out, put them on a board, hang the board somewhere, and look at it every day.

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