Tuesday, October 13, 2020

T-Minus 258 Days: Purging Halloween

 We pulled out the Halloween decorations to decorate the house for the last time. I have decorated this house for Halloween 17 times, and this is the last time. I would like to say I'm sentimental about this, but I'm not. Either it really hasn't hit me, or, I think about how happy I will be in Florida instead of dwelling on these final moments.

We decided that any decorations we didn't use we would sell immediately so that others could decorate their house this year. The best time to sell Halloween items is before Halloween, not after. 

This presented some difficult decisions. We have these large ceramic pumpkins that I love to decorate with, but they will never survive a trip to Florida without breaking. If I decorate with them this year it means I won't be able to sell them. But if I sell them instead of decorate with them? I could maximize the amount of money I could make.

In the end, I decided to decorate with them. Other decorations? Went to the Facebook Marketplace and sold quickly.

I think we have kept nearly every Halloween costume our kids have ever warn. We have a Halloween Costumes tote in Tub City with two dozen outfits. 

Perhaps I can sell the costumes BEFORE Halloween (because for certain, no one is likely to buy them AFTER Halloween). Costumes that I paid $30-$40 and were warn for a few hours on one night are now sadly for sale for only $5. 

I listed the Halloween items on Maketplace three weeks before Halloween. Perhaps I should have done it sooner? I'm not sure. But one thing is for sure: I am going to get the other holiday stuff posted four weeks before the holiday. 

Also... I'm considering posting the items I decorate with, but put a really good price on it. If someone wants to buy it? I'll take the decoration down, put it in a bag, and sell it. That's a difficult decision, but, maybe I should just do it.

One item I decorate with is Spiders: giant spiders and huge spiders all over the house. I have thought about taking these with me to Florida. However, according to the stories I have heard, the real spiders in Florida are larger, so, I probably don't need them.

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