Saturday, November 7, 2020

T-Minus 234 Days: Florida Floring

 Every place we have rented has had tile floors for all the common areas, and rugs for the bedrooms. I don't like rugs in Florida because it hides all the bugs and I assumed tile was the standard. However, as I have looked through houses, I have seen many people using a wood look vinyl. 

I asked one of the Florida Move Groups which flooring was better and I want to share the results.

You might notice that I didn't mention wood laminate as an option to consider. I am not a flooring expert, but, I'll tell you what my uninformed option is about wood and wood laminate flooring. I believe the humidity in Florida would cause it to buckle. Also, Florida has a horrible problem with termites, so, I can't imagine what would happen if you put wood on the floor of your house. Therefore, I won't even consider wood flooring.

I am also not mentioning cement floors. One option is to not put anything on your cement pad except a glossy epoxy coating. I understand the benefits but I think that look is just for the rare few.


VINYL Votes: 9

Tile Wins! Here are some of the comments and recommendations.


  • Tile can get sandy.
  • Just replaced manufactured hardwood with tile and I love it!
  • Tile is way too cold and you have to keep the grout clean. Too much work!
  • Tile will be colder (maybe not an issue in Florida) and possibly more difficult to replace if damaged.. but it should be more resistant to scratches and scuffs. Will also have a firmer and more solider/higher quality feel
  • Tile is cooler in the summer, and easier to take care of.
  • For Floirda weather, Tile is the best. Tile for bathrooms for sure
  • Had hardwood floors in the first Floirda home, honestly I was always worried about them scratching from sand. Always worried about them scratching from sand. Always worried about the humidity levels with them. With this house, new build, we picked a neutral wood look tile, wide plank. Love it. Nothing scratches, no problems with water or humidity, looks gorgeous, super easy to care for and cool under foot which is so appreciated here. 
  • Tile is definitely better than vinyl. Longer life. 
  • If you want something nice looking without worrying about maintenance then go with tile
  • Tile hurts my feet and back so bad
  • Porcelain tile, have a sealer put over the group, and buy a roomba with the floor washer + vacuum.
  • Tile is substantially tougher than vinyl


  • In a way it is like laminate wood flooring but at the same time it is waterproof, looks like wood, and no issues with scratches
  • I love mine. It has a ceramic core, no wood products in it
  • We are laying luxury vinyl plank in our first floor condo. Love it so far. 
  • Vinyl (assuming LVP or LVT) will be softer, so more comfortable to walk on and less likely to break stuff (dishes or the bones of hyperactive children)
  • I installed LVP in my kitchen a couple years ago, and even though it has "superior scratch resistance", it still gets scratched... so I will likely go with something more durable/hard surface floor in the next house.
  • Laminate is much cleaner! Grout holds all kinds of dirt.
  • I have a house with both and I definitely prefer the vinyl. It's easier to keep clean, it's warmer and it just looks better!
  • I think about what's easier for ME to clean and let me tell you that the vinyl has been easier than all. No cracks, no grouts to clean, no worries about scratching the floors. 
  • So loved my vinyl floors, now I have ceramic tile, not liking it so much!
  • Laminate and LVP scratch very easily, the planks can separate or buckle, and it is prone to mold if it gets water or moisture under it

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