I have read the ebook "no nonsense guide to cross country moving" by K.C. Roads, available online for free at http://www.mymove.com/content/dam/mymove/documents/Cross-Country-Move-eBook.pdf
The book talks about a move from the west coast to the east coast, but the information is the same for a long distance move to the Orlando area.
The book is filled will many tips and hints. I particularly liked the list of places that will need your new address. Also, information about moving pets was interesting (but could have been more in depth).
The best part of the book, however, was how to preserve your relationship with your mate during the move. A move can be very stressful for everyone. Recognizing that, preparing for it, and giving time for it is the best answer. The best advice? Laugh. Laugh at the silly things instead of letting them add stress to an already stressful move.
If you are planning a move, I recommend grabbing this quick read.