The cost to move to Florida is anywhere between $10K and $20K. We have settled on a goal of $12K for our move. That means we have to use yard sales, Craig's List, Facebook Marketplace, and whatever we can to sell our stuff and raise the money.
We are just about 25% of the way there!
I posted 224 items on Marketplace and Craig's list (I post them in both at the same time). The majority of our items have sold on Marketplace. Just 21% of the items I have posted are still for sale.
We are just about 25% of the way there!
The majority of our sales income is coming from Facebook Marketplace.
I posted 224 items on Marketplace and Craig's list (I post them in both at the same time). The majority of our items have sold on Marketplace. Just 21% of the items I have posted are still for sale.
It is clear to me that Facebook Marketplace is where I should spend most of my effort.
My approach is to post items online at a good price. If the item doesn't sell within a day or two, it is unlikely to sell. After two weeks at that price, I drop the price by 10% and renew the listing so it appears at the top of the Marketplace list again. After the initial two week wait, I switch to waiting 7 days - then drop the price and renew. Marketplace lets you renew the listing 5 or 6 times.
When I run out of renews, the product has been online for nearly two months! Anyone who wanted to buy it would have. I pull the product and put it in the next rummage sale for liquidation. If I think it is a really good product? I'll set it aside to be tried again in a few months.
This is the strategy I am using and so far it has worked pretty good for Marketplace. It isn't working for Craig's List and I'm not sure why. Perhaps people in my region don't use Craig's List very much. Or, perhaps I'm just doing Craig's list all wrong.
That is the purging and selling update!