Monday, July 18, 2016

The Best Location To Watch Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular

Hollywood Studios has a new fireworks show and it is arguably the best ever. The 13 minute Star War: A Galactic Spectacular provides music, video, and fireworks all to a Star Wars theme.

The show is massive, projected on a giant build-up of the Chinese Theater, two other buildings, plus projection against smoke screen, spot lights, lasers, spirals of flame shooting forty feet into the air, and fireworks across the sky. What is the best spot to see all this? I'll tell you. But with one warning: the show is so massive that it is impossible to take it all in  from any one location. There are various different things happening on each of the three different video screens while other activities are happening in the sky over head. This isn't a one dimensional show - the lasers from the ships on the screen shoot overhead of the audience, and the emperor's lightening electrifies the palm trees while the engine noise from the ships shake the ground under your feet.

A significant challenge with getting a good spot is, in part, all the trees! Even the best spots will still be obstructed by trees. But there is a huge difference between having a thin palm tree covering part of one screen, and trying to watch the event through a large leafy tree.

Disney ropes off a portion of the viewing area for their $70 per person desert event. You can imagine that those people paying $70 will have the best viewing area. Your goal, if you want a good viewing area, is to get as close to that roped off area as you can.

On the map above, I have placed an X for the best spot, used red lines to show where the video screens are, and a red circle to indicate the direction from which most of the fireworks are.

I saw the show three times. Once from near spot # 29 on the map and the view was very disappointing. And twice from where the X is drawn on the map.

You can see the show for yourself here:  Night 1. Night 2.

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