Sunday, January 20, 2019

Purging paperwork

We are taking advantage of the three day weekend to purge the many boxes of papers we have. We have all the information for when we were shopping for a house and ultimately built one. I have all my old files from all my old jobs, as does my wife. And we have collected a lot of documents over the years.

We went through the boxes and looked at every piece of paper and put each in one of four piles: throw away, shred, scan, keep. We decided to shred anything that had confidential information on it. Anything that held a memory or important information got scanned and stored digitally into our family drive. Other things like certificates or special cards went into the keep pile.

We managed to discard almost everything! I can’t believe we held onto all this stuff for so long just so we could throw it away at a later time. 

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