Monday, August 31, 2020

T-Minus 302 Days: August Yard Sale

 The August yard sale was no where near the success of the July yard sale... and the July yard sale wasn't all that successful. We were open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. On Friday we barely broke $80. Saturday was a wash due to rain. On the last day, we drop the price 50% and try to just get rid of stuff. We ended the sale at $220 - almost a quarter of July's sale.

Sunday is the most fun because that is when we just give stuff away. Friday and Saturday are for making money, Sunday is for getting rid of stuff so we don't have to store it. We gave kids bags to fill with free books and free toys. We took 50% off everything and then rounded it down. If anyone looked at something and then passed it by? We told them to just take it. Linda gave away an entire tote of maternity clothes at the end of the day. One family had two little girls and they each got a bag to fill with whatever they wanted.

At 7pm Sunday we were still giving things away. We pulled the remaining items into the garage, closed the door, and will deal with it on Monday. Do we donate it? Or do we store it for the spring-time yard sale? Difficult decisions will have to be made.

We don't like donating to the Salvation Army and Good Will. They put the items in their stores for a few weeks to sell. If they don't sell, they rip up the clothes into rags. This is our cherished children's clothes that we have cared for two decades - we don't want them ripped into rags! We would rather give them directly to a family that needs them. Therefore we have never favored donating very much to them.

While we didn't do a great job helping our move budget, we did a good job at reducing our belongings. We are slowly... ever so slowly... chipping away at a house filled with belongings. 

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